Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Download Favea - Multipurpose Wordpress Theme

Favea - Multipurpose Wordpress Theme

Favea - Multipurpose Wordpress Theme demo Favea - Multipurpose Wordpress Theme dowload

[ Favea is a Premium Wordpress Theme for creative oriented businesses. It is developed using latest HTML5 and CSS3 techniques. Unlimited sidebars that can be used on any page/post provide a highest flexibility of customization. 16 000 000 colors by built-in Colorpicker is for making it easy for you setup your website the way you want it to look. If you are looking for a sleek and professional]

Favea is a Premium Wordpress Theme for creative oriented businesses. It is developed using latest HTML5 and CSS3 techniques. Unlimited sidebars that can be used on any page/post provide a highest flexibility of customization. 16 000 000 colors by built-in Colorpicker is for making it easy for you setup your website the way you want it to look. If you are looking for a sleek and professional high quality theme, Favea is for you.

Key features:

  1. Responsive and Retina-ready design
  2. Revolution slider is included
  3. 2 portfolio types: paginated and filtered (Ajax)
  4. 3 portfolio layouts: 3, 4 and 5 columns
  5. 4 blog layouts
  6. Unlimited Colors
  7. Unlimited sidebars
  8. 220+ retina icons are included
  9. Optimized for WordPress plugins: WPML, qTranslate, Contact Form 7, Rotating Tweets. Supports other Wordpress plugins
  10. Lightbox plugin
  11. Google fonts
  12. Google maps. Including an ability to set multiple locations
  13. Shortcode generator
  14. Powerful options framework
  15. Includes .pot file for translation
  16. All sliced graphic elements in PSD are included
  17. … and much more!


  • Images: Depositphotos, Thomas Hawk
  • Foundation 4 by Zurb
  • Slightly Modified Options Framework by Syamil MJ
  • Meta Box by Tran Ngoc Tuan Anh a.k.a Rilwis
  • Revolution slider Wordpress plugin
  • Entypo icons
  • Modernizr
  • jQuery Scrollspy
  • jQuery Easing
  • jQuery waitForImages
  • jQuery Isotope
  • jQuery carouFredSel
  • Google maps v3 plugin for jQuery
  • jQuery prettyPhoto
  • jQuery Validation Plugin

Version changelog:

 [f] - feature added [c] - changed [b] - bug fixed  -------------- 1.01 --------------  [b] Comment's "bubble" is hidden if comments are off [b] Fixed favicon issue [c] Improved styles/scripts "enqueuing"   [edited] style.css (updated version) [edited] header.php [edited] loop.php [edited] css/style.css [edited] admin/main/enqueue.php  Updated plugins: Fireform Shortcodes, Fireform Theme Options. 

Favea - Multipurpose Wordpress Theme demo Favea - Multipurpose Wordpress Theme dowload

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